45 research outputs found

    El futur de la mobilitat: és possible millorar la mobilitat actual de la ciutat de Granollers per mitjà d’un vehicle autònom?

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    Treballs Finals del Màster en Creació i Gestió d'Empreses Innovadores i de Base Tecnològica, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2018-2019, Tutoria: Nicolás de Salas CarolaAquest projecte té com a finalitat estudiar el futur del sector de la mobilitat amb l’objectiu de respondre la pregunta és possible millorar la mobilitat actual de la ciutat de Granollers per mitjà d’un Vehicle autònom?. El desenvolupament del projecte segueix una estructura dividida en dos blocs: El Marc Teòric i el Marc Pràctic. El primer bloc, aporta una visió crítica de les tendències que estan impactant en el desenvolupament de la mobilitat del demà, on s’extreu a mode de conclusions principals que el sector de la mobilitat està immers en una revolució com a conseqüència dels avenços tecnològics i la innovació en models de negoci, els quals estan conduint el sector cap a una mobilitat elèctrica, autònoma, connectada i compartida. En base a les conclusions extretes en el primer bloc, l’apartat pràctic es centra en la conducció autònoma, una de les tendències que marcarà el futur de la mobilitat, on es desenvolupa un primer escenari per conèixer si és possible millorar la mobilitat de Granollers per mitjà d’un Vehicle autònom en l’actualitat. Pel fet d’obtenir una resposta negativa en el primer escenari, es dur a terme un segon escenari on es mostren els factors que es requereixen per a que els vehicles autònoms tinguin un impacte real i positiu en la mobilitat de la ciutats. El projecte conclou amb un tercer escenari, on un autobús híbrid dur a terme el recorregut anteriorment analitzat com a proposta per millorar la mobilitat de Granollers amb un mitjà de transport efectiu en l’actualitat

    MPC with Sensor-Based Online Cost Adaptation

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    Model predictive control is a powerful tool to generate complex motions for robots. However, it often requires solving non-convex problems online to produce rich behaviors, which is computationally expensive and not always practical in real time. Additionally, direct integration of high dimensional sensor data (e.g. RGB-D images) in the feedback loop is challenging with current state-space methods. This paper aims to address both issues. It introduces a model predictive control scheme, where a neural network constantly updates the cost function of a quadratic program based on sensory inputs, aiming to minimize a general non-convex task loss without solving a non-convex problem online. By updating the cost, the robot is able to adapt to changes in the environment directly from sensor measurement without requiring a new cost design. Furthermore, since the quadratic program can be solved efficiently with hard constraints, a safe deployment on the robot is ensured. Experiments with a wide variety of reaching tasks on an industrial robot manipulator demonstrate that our method can efficiently solve complex non-convex problems with high-dimensional visual sensory inputs, while still being robust to external disturbances.Comment: 6 Pages, 5 Figure

    Stagewise Newton Method for Dynamic Game Control with Imperfect State Observation

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    International audienceIn this letter, we study dynamic game optimal control with imperfect state observations and introduce an iterative method to find a local Nash equilibrium. The algorithm consists of an iterative procedure combining a backward recursion similar to minimax differential dynamic programming and a forward recursion resembling a risksensitive Kalman smoother. A coupling equation renders the resulting control dependent on the estimation. In the end, the algorithm is equivalent to a Newton step but has linear complexity in the time horizon length. Furthermore, a merit function and a line search procedure are introduced to guarantee convergence of the iterative scheme. The resulting controller reasons about uncertainty by planning for the worst case disturbances. Lastly, the low computational cost of the proposed algorithm makes it a promising method to do output-feedback model predictive control on complex systems at high frequency. Numerical simulations on realistic robotic problems illustrate the risk-sensitive behavior of the resulting controller

    The blending region hybrid framework for the simulation of stochastic reaction-diffusion processes

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    The simulation of stochastic reaction-diffusion systems using fine-grained representations can become computationally prohibitive when particle numbers become large. If particle numbers are sufficiently high then it may be possible to ignore stochastic fluctuations and use a more efficient coarse-grained simulation approach. Nevertheless, for multiscale systems which exhibit significant spatial variation in concentration, a coarse-grained approach may not be appropriate throughout the simulation domain. Such scenarios suggest a hybrid paradigm in which a computationally cheap, coarse-grained model is coupled to a more expensive, but more detailed fine-grained model enabling the accurate simulation of the fine-scale dynamics at a reasonable computational cost. In this paper, in order to couple two representations of reaction-diffusion at distinct spatial scales, we allow them to overlap in a "blending region". Both modelling paradigms provide a valid representation of the particle density in this region. From one end of the blending region to the other, control of the implementation of diffusion is passed from one modelling paradigm to another through the use of complementary "blending functions" which scale up or down the contribution of each model to the overall diffusion. We establish the reliability of our novel hybrid paradigm by demonstrating its simulation on four exemplar reaction-diffusion scenarios.Comment: 36 pages, 30 figure

    Short communication: Effect of αS1-casein (CSN1S1) and κ-casein (CSN3) genotypes on milk composition in Murciano-Granadina goats

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    The effects of the caprine alpha(S1)-casein (CSN1S1) polymorphisms on milk quality have been widely demonstrated. However, much less is known about the consequences of the kappa-casein (CSN3) genotype on milk composition in goats. Moreover, the occurrence of interactions between CSN3 and CSN1S1 genotypes has not been investigated. In this study, an association analysis between CSN1S1 and CSN3 genotypes and milk quality traits was performed in 89 Murciano-Granadina goats. Total milk yield as well as total protein, fat, solids-not-fat, lactose, alpha(S1)-casein (CSN1S1), and alpha(S2)-casein (CSN1S2) contents were recorded every other month during a whole lactation (316 observations). Data analysis using a linear mixed model for repeated observations revealed no interaction between the CSN1S1 and CSN3 genotypes. With regard to the effect of the CSN3 locus, AB and BB genotypes were significantly associated with higher levels of total casein and protein content compared with the AA CSN3 genotype. In strong contrast with French breeds, the CSN1S1 genotype did not affect protein, casein, and fat concentrations in Murciano-Granadina goats. These results highlight the importance of taking into consideration the CSN3 genotype when performing selection for milk composition in dairy goats

    Genetic diversity measures of local European beef cattle breeds for conservation purposes

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    This study was undertaken to determine the genetic structure, evolutionary relationships, and the genetic diversity among 18 local cattle breeds from Spain, Portugal, and France using 16 microsatellites. Heterozygosities, estimates of Fst, genetic distances, multivariate and diversity analyses, and assignment tests were performed. Heterozygosities ranged from 0.54 in the Pirenaica breed to 0.72 in the Barrosã breed. Seven percent of the total genetic variability can be attributed to differences among breeds (mean Fst = 0.07; P < 0.01). Five different genetic distances were computed and compared with no correlation found to be significantly different from 0 between distances based on the effective size of the population and those which use the size of the alleles. The Weitzman recursive approach and a multivariate analysis were used to measure the contribution of the breeds diversity. The Weitzman approach suggests that the most important breeds to be preserved are those grouped into two clusters: the cluster formed by the Mirandesa and Alistana breeds and that of the Sayaguesa and Tudanca breeds. The hypothetical extinction of one of those clusters represents a 17% loss of diversity. A correspondence analysis not only distinguished four breed groups but also confirmed results of previous studies classifying the important breeds contributing to diversity. In addition, the variation between breeds was sufficiently high so as to allow individuals to be assigned to their breed of origin with a probability of 99% for simulated samples

    A genome-wide perspective about the diversity and demographic history of seven Spanish goat breeds

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    Altres ajuts: Félix Goyache is supported by Grant FICYT GRUPIN14-113. Valentin Balteanu is the recipient of a grant awarded under the frame of the European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Program 2007-2013, Project No. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765.Background: The main goal of the current work was to infer the demographic history of seven Spanish goat breeds (Malagueña, Murciano-Granadina, Florida, Palmera, Mallorquina, Bermeya and Blanca de Rasquera) based on genomewide diversity data generated with the Illumina Goat SNP50 BeadChip (population size, N = 176). Five additional populations from Europe (Saanen and Carpathian) and Africa (Tunisian, Djallonké and Sahel) were also included in this analysis (N = 80) for comparative purposes. Results: Our results show that the genetic background of Spanish goats traces back mainly to European breeds although signs of North African admixture were detected in two Andalusian breeds (Malagueña and MurcianoGranadina). In general, observed and expected heterozygosities were quite similar across the seven Spanish goat breeds under analysis irrespective of their population size and conservation status. For the Mallorquina and Blanca de Rasquera breeds, which have suffered strong population declines during the past decades, we observed increased frequencies of large-sized (ROH), a finding that is consistent with recent inbreeding. In contrast, a substantial part of the genome of the Palmera goat breed comprised short ROH, which suggests a strong and ancient founder effect. Conclusions: Admixture with African goats, genetic drift and inbreeding have had different effects across the seven Spanish goat breeds analysed in the current work. This has generated distinct patterns of genome-wide diversity that provide new clues about the demographic history of these populations

    Effects of αs1-casein (CSN1S1) and κ-casein (CSN3) genotypes on milk coagulation properties in Murciano-Granadina goats

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    The effects of the caprine αs1-casein (CSN1S1) polymorphisms on milk quality and cheese yield have been widely studied in French and Italian goat breeds. Much less is known about the consequences of κ-casein (CSN3) genotype on the technological and coagulation properties of goat milk. In the current study, we have performed an association analysis between polymorphisms at the goat CSN1S1 and CSN3 genes and milk coagulation (rennet coagulation time, curdling rate and curd firmness) and technological (time to cutting of curd and cheese yield) properties. In this analysis, we have included 193 records from 74 Murciano-Granadina goats (with genotypes constituted by different combinations of alleles B, E and F of the gene CSN1S1 and alleles A and B of the gene CSN3) distributed in three herds, which were collected bimonthly during a whole lactation. Data analysis, using a linear mixed model for repeated observations, revealed significant associations between CSN1S1 genotypes and the rate of the curdling process. In this way, milk from EE goats had a significantly higher curdling rate than milk from BB individuals (PAB, P<0·05) but not on cheese yield. No interaction between the CSN1S1 and CSN3 genotypes was observed.This work was funded by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (AGL2002-04304-C03-02- GAN).Peer reviewe